The RefIPro project was kicked off on November 24th 2022, where representatives from all the involved partner organisations met over three days to discuss project priorities and decide the best way forward for the project implementation.
The principal partner in Uganda, Mothers Against Malnutrition and Hunger (MAMAH) hosted the meeting and partners Bobo Eco Farm, Impact Designs, Makerere University, Copenhagen University and ICIPE contributed with individual presentations.
Following the project logic, the partners formed two working groups focusing on production and research on mealworm and black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) respectively, ensuring coordination and synergy of particularly the three major research components and preparation of the application for ethical approval in connection with the school feeding trial.
The objective of the school trial, which involves 500 school children in and around Kyaka II, is to document the impact on the nutritional status and health of the children of receiving a daily mealworm enriched school meal for a period of six months.